Recipe to make healthy carrot pineapple orange juice!

Diving into the vibrant world of juices, there’s a blend that stands out both for its taste and health benefits: the Carrot Pineapple Orange Juice. This isn’t just another juice; it’s a nutritional powerhouse. Imagine sipping on a drink that combines the earthy sweetness of carrots, the tropical zest of pineapples, and the refreshing tang of oranges. It’s a trio that not only tantalizes the taste buds but also packs a punch of essential vitamins and minerals.

The magic lies in the simplicity and purity of ingredients. No preservatives, no added sugar, just a pure, unadulterated blend of fresh produce. Each sip delivers a potent dose of essential vitamins and minerals. The vitamin C from oranges and pineapples is a boon for your immune system, while the beta-carotene from carrots is converted into vitamin A, essential for good vision and immune function.

 Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or someone simply looking for a refreshing beverage, this juice has something for everyone. And the best part? It’s easy to make, requiring just a few fresh ingredients. So, let’s embark on this flavorful journey, shall we?

How to make carrot pineapple orange juice?


Gathering these ingredients is the first step in crafting a drink that’s not only delightful but also packed with nutrient

carrots, pineapple and orange in plate
  • Carrots: 3 medium-sized, freshly washed. These root veggies bring a subtle sweetness and a burst of beta-carotene.
  • Oranges: 2 large ones, peeled. They’re the citrusy backbone, offering a refreshing tang and a dose of vitamin C.
  • Pineapple: 1/2 of a small ripe one, peeled and cored. This tropical fruit adds a sweet and tart dimension, enhancing the overall flavor profile.
  • Ginger: 1 tablespoon, finely minced. A touch of this root adds a zesty kick and aids in digestion.
  • Agave Nectar/Honey: 1/4 ounce (optional). For those who prefer a slightly sweeter note.
  • Ice Cubes: A handful, if you prefer your juice chilled.


Having the right equipment can make the juicing process smoother and more enjoyable.

  • Juicer: Preferably one with slow squeezing technology, like the Hurom juicer. This ensures maximum nutrient retention by reducing heat and friction during the juicing process.
making juice in a juicer.
  • Sharp Knife: To efficiently peel and cut the fruits and vegetables.
  • Cutting Board: A sturdy one to ensure safe and easy chopping.
  • Measuring Spoons: For precise amounts, especially if you’re adding ingredients like ginger or sweeteners.
  • Glasses: To serve the juice. Opt for tall ones if you like your juice with ice.
  • Strainer (Optional): If you prefer your juice without any pulp, a strainer can be handy.
  • Blender: Only if you’re incorporating ingredients that need blending, like in some variations of the juice.


Follow these instructions for preparing carrot pineapple and orange juice:

1.Preparation: Start by washing all the fruits and vegetables. This ensures you’re using clean ingredients, free from any dirt or pesticides.

2.Peeling: Using your sharp knife, peel the oranges and the pineapple. Remember, the cleaner the peel, the purer the juice.

peeling carrots

3.Cutting: On your cutting board, chop the carrots, oranges, and pineapple into sizes that fit easily into your juicer.

4.Juicing: Turn on your juicer. Slowly feed the chopped ingredients into it. If you’re using a Hurom or similar slow-squeezing juicer, this process helps retain more nutrients.

5.Straining (Optional): If you prefer a pulp-free juice, pour the juice through a strainer into your glass.

6.Serving: Pour the juice into glasses. You can add ice if you like it chilled.

7.Enjoy: Sip and relish the refreshing blend of carrot, pineapple, and orange. It’s not just a drink; it’s a nutrient-packed experience!

How to Pick a Ripe Pineapple?

Remember, a perfectly ripe pineapple not only tastes better but also juices better, offering a sweeter and richer flavor to your drink.

pineapple on cutting board
  • Color Check: Look for a pineapple with a golden-yellow hue. While a bit of green is okay, too much indicates it’s not ripe yet.
  • Sniff Test: A ripe pineapple emits a sweet, tropical scent from its base. If it smells fermented, it’s overripe.
  • Leaf Test: Gently tug on the center leaves. If they come out easily, it’s a good sign of ripeness.
  • Feel the Texture: Press the skin slightly. It should be firm but yield a little to pressure, indicating juiciness without being overripe.
  • Shape Matters: Opt for a pineapple that’s plump and looks symmetrical. Avoid those with soft spots or darkened areas.
  • Size Doesn’t Matter: A larger pineapple doesn’t necessarily mean it’s riper. Focus on the other signs.
  • Avoid Fermentation: If you notice any sticky, dark residue at the base, it might be starting to ferment. Best to avoid.
  • Storage Tip: If you’ve picked a ripe pineapple but aren’t using it immediately, store it in the fridge to maintain its freshness.

Benefits of carrot pineapple orange juice:

Incorporating this juice into your routine can be a delicious way to enjoy these health benefits.

  • Vitamin Boost: This juice is a powerhouse of vitamins A, C, and E. These vitamins support eye health, boost immunity, and promote skin health.
  • Digestive Aid: Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids in digestion and reduces bloating.
  • Natural Sweetness: The natural sugars in these fruits provide a sweet taste without added sugars or artificial sweeteners.
  • Hydration: High water content in these fruits helps keep you hydrated, especially on hot days.
  • Antioxidant Rich: Carrots and oranges are packed with antioxidants that combat free radicals, promoting overall health.
  • Heart Health: The potassium in oranges helps regulate blood pressure, supporting heart health.
  • Skin Glow: The combination of vitamins and hydration gives your skin a natural glow.
  • Weight Management: This juice can be a low-calorie addition to a balanced diet, aiding in weight management.
  • Bone Health: Vitamin K in carrots plays a role in bone health, helping in the absorption of calcium.
  • Mood Enhancer: The refreshing taste and nutritional benefits can give you an energy boost and uplift your mood.

Wrapping up:

Carrot, pineapple, and orange juice is more than just a refreshing drink; it’s a nutritional powerhouse. From the careful selection of ripe pineapples to understanding the myriad of benefits this juice offers, it’s evident that this beverage is a must-have in any health-conscious individual’s routine. The right equipment ensures optimal extraction of flavors and nutrients, while the correct measurements guarantee a perfect blend every time.

 Beyond taste, the health advantages, including vitamin boosts, digestive aid, and skin health, make it a top choice for those seeking wellness. Remember, the key lies in fresh ingredients and a trusted juicer. As we wrap up, it’s clear that this juice isn’t just a drink; it’s a lifestyle choice. Embrace it, enjoy its flavors, and reap its benefits. Cheers to a healthier you!


How many calories are in carrot pineapple and orange juice?

The calorie content in carrot, pineapple, and orange juice varies based on the proportions used. Typically, a blend of these ingredients can range from 100 to 150 calories per 8-ounce serving. Carrots contribute minimal calories, while the sweetness of pineapples and oranges adds more. However, it’s not just about calories; this juice is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients. Always consider the nutritional value alongside calorie count when enjoying this vibrant drink.

Is it safe to mix orange and carrot juice?

Absolutely! Combining orange and carrot juice is not only safe but also delicious and nutritious. This blend offers a harmonious mix of sweetness from the oranges and earthiness from the carrots. Moreover, you’re merging the benefits of vitamin C from oranges with the beta-carotene from carrots. So, not only do you get a tasty drink, but you also boost your immune system and eye health. Enjoy this combo without any reservations!

Is orange and carrot juice good for the liver?

Yes, orange and carrot juice can be beneficial for the liver. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the liver converts into vitamin A, aiding its detoxifying functions. Oranges, packed with vitamin C, help the liver process toxins into substances our kidneys can eliminate. Together, these juices provide a potent mix that supports liver health. However, moderation is key, as excessive intake might be counterproductive. Always consult with a healthcare professional about specific health concerns.

Related Read: How To Prepare Carrots, Apples, Ginger Juice?

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